6G network!!
Now is the time to fess up if you don't actually know what terms like 4G, 5G and 6G actually mean. it refers to different generations of technology standards for cellular networks. in other words, it's the level at which your cell phone, internet and lots of other telecommunications architecture perform. That's why lots of people were excited about 5G. phone fast! stream all the things! less painful zoom meetings! well, things are going to get even faster and even better when more 5G networks pop up worldwide. And japan and korea are already working on 6G capabilities. this next generation will help improve things like teleworking and distance learning, as well as more futuristic pursuits like holograms and virtual and augmented reality.
On nov 6 2020, china successfully launched an experimental test satellite with candidates for 6G technology into orbit, along with 12 other satellites, using a long march 6 launch vehicle rocket. the satellite is intended to "verify the terahertz(THz) communication technology in space", according to the global times newspaper.