A crime thriller film is a crime film sub-genre. The subgenre combines a normal genus of crime with a unique genre of thriller. Typically, the storyline is about and revolves around an assassin; a heist or a person hunting. Crime thrillers employ tension and suspension to develop action and psychological components. Crime thrillers concentrate on the thrilling aspects of both successful and failed crimes. They centre on a criminal or a group of criminals rather than law enforcement, unlike police procedurals. These films, like the highly regarded Joseph and Nayattu, tend to emphasise on violent sequences, double-crossings, robberies, and killings as major themes. 10.The Gift (2005) When it comes to suspensory movies, the gift is really an underestimated and hidden gem. However, even then the applaudable material requires a watch and must be listed. The gift is a storey about a couple who one day get to know one of their old friends. When the a...