They spin webs to trap the insects on which they feed. Spiders have a remarkable little mechanism called a spinneret at the tip of the abdomen. The spinneret produces a silky, hair-thin thread which dries up on contact with the air and becomes relatively strong and elastic. It is also sticky enough to catch an insect's feet or wings. the insect's struggles to escape create vibrations through the web and alert the hidden spider, signaling that dinner is ready. with their spinnerets, spiders also make silken linings for their burrows or cocoons for their eggs. Baby spiders are often carried aloft on wind-borne gossamer and land many miles away from their birth place. spider silk is used in certain optical instruments
- Orb weaver
- Sheet weaver
- Tangle-web spider
- Funnel-web spider
- Triangle weaver
- Ogre-faced spider
- Trapdoor spider
- Purseweb spider
- Diving bell spider